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MECX provides environmental remedial solutions to a wide range of clients and industries. We develop our solutions to meet the business interests of our clients, which can range from rapid remediation enabling real estate transactions to risk mitigation solutions for long-term management of environmental liabilities. 

We have an exceptional perspective on environmental remediation services. We specialize in unique and cutting-edge technology design and implementation to solve the most rigorous environmental challenges. We realize that most environmental challenges require a combination of solutions to achieve that desired outcome. 

Our professional staff has developed a diverse background of technological knowledge and experience with a multitude of technologies. We are industry leaders in combining well-known stand-alone solutions, such as in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) with hydraulic recirculation, to provide superior technical environmental remedial solutions. We custom-tailor our solutions to meeting our clients’ business needs. 

MECX is very experienced with planning and execution of remedial programs to obtain rapid regulatory closure of affected properties. We have the experienced staff to conduct remedial investigations, feasibility studies, treatability studies, pilot tests and manage remedial design projects. We have far reaching experience both domestically and internationally in designing, installing and maintaining remedial systems to treat a multitude of contaminants in soil, sludge, groundwater and wastewater.
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Oxidation Strategy Planning

One of the most important things to consider when planning a chemical oxidation project is to determine which oxidant, or combination of reagents, and how much to use to be the most effective in a field application. Affected sites are unique and there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution.

We dial in the most effective treatment strategy using our empirically derived computer modeling program that we have developed and refined from laboratory and field applications over more than 20 years. With our vast experience in ISCO/ESCO, we customize site-specific treatment designs and dosages for cost-effective solutions to your remediation challenge.
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Treatability Testing Lab

MECX has a state-of-the-art treatability laboratory at our headquarters in Houston, Texas. MECX performs site-specific evaluation of a multitude of treatment options for affected soil, sludge and groundwater. Chemical reagents and labor to apply reagents in the field are the two largest cost elements of a remediation program. Sometimes, large increases in reagent quantities produce only marginally better contaminant destruction and can result in excessive costs per unit contaminant treated. In order to maximize cost-effectiveness, our treatability evaluations often include a wide array of reagents and dosages which enables us to develop reagent site-specific efficiency models to determine cost-effective solutions.

Perhaps one of the biggest, yet underrated, benefits of performing treatability or bench testing is the observation of reactions, including both anticipated and unanticipated effects. By observing physical effects on a small scale evaluation, MECX incorporates the qualitative observations from a treatability evaluation to engineer application methods/practices that are both safe and effective.
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Chemical Oxidation

We are recognized worldwide as a leader in on-site treatment using ISCO and ESCO across the U.S. and internationally. Our engineered In-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) and Ex-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ESCO) processes are recognized as some of the most innovative and cost-effective remediation technologies available to address contaminants in groundwater and saturated soils.

We utilize chemical reagents that desorb and oxidize contaminants which are in the dissolved phase without producing waste streams that require permitting, treatment, disposal or long-term operation and maintenance.

MECX applies ISCO reagents directly into the area of concern through wells using our carefully controlled proprietary low-temperature and low-pressure approaches. Our ESCO processes are highly effective for treating organics in saturated soil, unsaturated soil and sludge on-site and aboveground. A significant advantage to our ISCO and ESCO processes is the elimination of off-site disposal, which saves our clients’ money and reduces future liabilities.
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Solvent-Enhanced NAPL Treatment

MECX developed and refined the use of solvent-enhanced processes for use along with ISCO whereby non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL, free product, free-phase or residual) is stripped and desorbed from soil particles. MECX uses only natural citrus or soy-based solvents to desorb contaminants within a controlled treatment zone prior to application of oxidants.
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Soil Vapor Intrusion Mitigation

The U.S. EPA and several State regulatory agencies have recently issued guidance concerning the potential migration of harmful soil gas vapors (vapor intrusion) from affected soils into structures above. The vapor intrusion exposure pathway is emerging as a critical health-based environmental concern, especially in the redevelopment of “brownfields” or properties with past environmental issues.

In consideration of existing and pending vapor intrusion regulations, many owners and commercial developers of properties are addressing this potential liability at their properties (both existing and those under construction) and assessing soil vapor intrusion risks. MECX is on the cutting edge of site-specific designs to help developers address this issue cost-effectively.

MECX designs and oversees the installation of soil vapor mitigation and remediation systems at commercial and residential properties utilizing the following technologies:
  • Sub-slab depressurization (SSD) systems for soil vapor mitigation; 
  • Passive soil vapor extraction (PSVE) systems; 
  • Closed-loop enhanced soil vapor extraction (ESVE) systems for vadose zone remediation; and 
  • Soil vapor extraction in conjunction with air sparging/chemical oxidation for soil and groundwater remediation.
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Engineered Excavation

The use of innovative source-area excavations has gained popularity due to the assurance that environmental contaminants are permanently removed, and rapid regulatory closure is possible. MECX has designed and developed techniques for excavating affected soils from beneath occupied buildings and active facilities when excavation at developed properties is the preferred solution.

MECX’s engineered excavation approach requires the following critical elements to ensure safe, effective and efficient execution.
  • Comprehensive delineation of target contaminants and geological features; 
  • Identification of utility within and adjacent to the work areas;
  • Structural evaluation of existing structures; and
  • Engineered shoring design that minimizes interference with excavation activities while ensuring the integrity of the building systems and worker safety.
Shoring and bracing designs are the key elements of safely and successful excavation beneath existing structures. We have developed several proprietary in-situ bracing and shoring systems that are installed through borings prior to commencing excavation activities. This has enabled MECX to perform more dozens of excavations underneath active buildings with minimal effects to facility operations.

We have successfully engineered and executed many excavations for a wide range of contaminants including chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons and metals to depths of 35 feet.
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Asbestos, Mold and Lead Abatement

MECX provides comprehensive consulting services relating to asbestos-containing materials (ACM), mold and lead-based paint. We employ U.S. EPA and state accredited inspectors, management planners and project designers with nationwide experience to perform facility inspections for ACM, mold and lead-based paint.

Our engineers, scientists and industrial hygienists develop specifications for asbestos, mold and lead abatement. We also develop and implement asbestos and lead operations and maintenance (O&M) programs. MECX provides third-party independent cost estimates for abatement, conducts competitive bidding of abatement projects using qualified contractors, performs construction management with contractor oversight and provides air monitoring during abatement.
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Enhanced Soil Vapor Extraction

Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is a cost-effective technology when applied in permeable soils, but historically has not been effective in low-permeability soils. MECX has developed a vadose zone treatment process which is effective in removing volatile organic compounds from tight low-permeability soils in a relatively short amount of time. Our proprietary designs include a closed loop that reuses warm air to desiccate the tight soils, thereby increasing permeability and increasing contaminant recovery. One significant advantage of MECX SVE systems is that we often eliminate external air emissions like with traditional SVE systems, so an air permit is not required, saving our clients’ money.
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